Welcome to our Adoption Journey

Thursday, July 15, 2010


On July 13, 2010 at 10:00am the phone rang… the caller id listed our adoption agencies name and phone number. I knew that this was the call that would start my own special kind of labor pains.

I was told that our baby girl was ready for us to come and get her. I was ready to go. In fact, I was so ready to go that I had already held two seats on Korean Airlines leaving on July 15th. Now normally one is able to go once they get the call. And in fact I was given the green light to go to Korea on Thursday or any day I would like. But, I was told that our adoption staff would be traveling to the US (and bring home some babies to their parents, but not mine) for meetings and I would not be able to pick up our daughter until after July 26th. Ok then, at least I am going!

So begins my labor pains. I am deathly afraid to fly, but I am also someone who can conquer my fears and will do absolutely anything for my children. I leave for Korea with a friend on July 25th. I fly directly to Korea on Korean Airlines and arrive on July 26th at 6:30 pm. I get our girl on July 29th. I leave Korea on July 30th at 6:30 pm and return on July 30th at 12:30 pm. Sort of like my last two deliveries in and out (of the hospital) so fast it made my head spin.

I will have my laptop with me and I plan (if all goes according to plan but I know how plans can go…) to update my blog and show lots of picture while I am in Korea so you can follow along on this amazing journey to become a family of five!

See ya in Seoul!


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